EastBridge Investment Group Corporation (EBIG) announced that on February 6 EBIG and Cellular Biomedicine Group (CBMG), which is incorporated in the British Virgin Islands, signed all the documents and filed the Articles of Merger with the Registry of Corporate Affairs of the British Virgin Islands, with respect to the consummation of merger of CBMG with CBMG Acquisition Limited, another BVI company and a wholly-owned subsidiary of EBIG.
The merged entity is the wholly-owned subsidiary of EBIG, which continues operations under its name, and it common stock continues to be quoted under stock symbol EBIGD.
Cellular Biomedicine Group, Ltd. is focused on developing cell therapies for the treatment of cancer and degenerative diseases. Company’s scientists make cellular research, currently developing biomedicine based on tissue-derived progenitor cells, embryonic stem (ES) cells and cancer-specific dendritic cells.
EastBridge Investment Group focuses on high-growth companies in Asia and in the United States, offering assistance with all aspects of IPOs, joint ventures and merchant banking services, targeting industries in the fields of electronics, real estate, auto, metal, energy, environmental, bioscience and retail food distribution.